A few weeks ago, Pugatch Consilium’s Dr David Torstensson was in Washington D.C. to help
launch the twelfth edition of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s International IP Index.
Since 2012 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s International IP Index has provided an important
industry perspective on the IP standards that influence both long- and short-term business and
investment decisions. The Index is a unique and continuously evolving instrument. Not only
does it assess the state of the international IP environment, it also provides a clear roadmap for
any economy that wishes to be competitive in the 21st century knowledge-based global
economy. Today the Index consists of 50discrete indicators across nine separate categories that
together measure the strength of a national IP environment. The Index in 2023 covers 55
economies that together represent both a geographical cross-section of the world and over 90%
of global economic output.
Since 2015, the Index has also included a Statistical Annex which investigates the relationship
between the strength of economies’ national IP environments and different types of economic
activity including rates of R&D spending, innovation, technology creation, and creativity. The
most up-to-date data on the benefits of IP protection reveal that IP rights are, in fact, a critical
instrument for economies seeking to enhance access to innovation, grow domestic innovative
output, and enjoy the dynamic growth benefits of an innovative economy. Conversely, weak IP
protection stymies long-term strategic aspirations around innovation and development. The
Index’s Statistical Annex has shown the strong, direct, and statistically significant relationship
between IP protection and innovation – ranging from attractiveness to venture capital and R&D
investments, to magnitude of innovative activities, outputs and early adoption of technologies.
This is a particularly important message in light of the negative economic impact of the COVID-
19 pandemic. Many economies will need to be re-built and there will need to be an emphasis on
policies that promote growth, recovery, and innovation across the globe. The strengthening of IP
rights should be a central part of this global reform effort and economic recovery. This year’s
Index and Statistical Annex and statistical correlations show, again, the strong, direct, and
statistically significant relationship between the strength of the national IP environment as
measured by the Index and rates of innovation, growth and high-tech economic activity.
To access the Index and Statistical Annex please visit:
About the Author:
David’s focus is policy and economic analysis related to innovation, health care, pharmaceuticals, tax and intellectual property. He has wide experience in quantitative research methods including index-building and data sampling and is the author of a number of both academic and commissioned publications. David’s knowledge spans from North America and Europe to the BRIC economies, and he speaks fluent Swedish. Prior to his work with Pugatch Consilium, David was with Deloitte LLP where he worked on a broad range of UK and international tax compliance and advisory projects. David holds a Master of Studies and DPhil (PhD) from Oxford University.